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Snowboarder Profile: Peter Line

More than ten years ago, when I made my first ever Website, it was designed to pay homage to Peter Line. At that time the Mack Dawg video Decade just got out. He was my second favorite snowboarder after Canadian sensation Kevin Young.

Peter Line has been one of the most influential figures of Freestyle Snowboarding in the 1990's and early 2000's. His video parts were sicker and more progressive than any other rider around. He is also widely recognized for having founded Forum Snowboards, Foursquare Outerwear, and Special Blend that he later sold to Burton Snowboards.

With Forum, Peter wanted to get the best team of snowboarders together. Well, he did with his famous Forum 8 that consisted of J.P. Walker, Jeremy Jones, Bjorn Leines, Chris Dufficy, Joni Malmi, Wille Yli-Luoma, and Devun Walsh.

After almost a four year break, Line got back into filming video parts in 2008 for the Forum video Forum or Against 'em. He still has his pro-model at Forum and has a column in Snowboarder Magazine.

I suggest to anyone who is not acquainted to his style to watch clips of his parts on YouTube.

Action Sports Hall of Fame Nomination ID:

Current Sponsors: Forum Snowboards, Foursquare Outerwear, Electric, Vestal.

List of Videos: Decade, Technical Difficulties, The ResistanceForum or Against 'em, Vacation, #Forum

Tweeter: @peetard

Top 3 Favorite Riders: Chris Roach, Roan Rogers, Ingmar Backman


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