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New Series Coming - Snowboard Gems Restorations

 Coming back this winter with new posts!

I will keep adding new snowboard reviews (if you are a brand, small or big you can send gears that I would gladly review) but I'd like to share my recent project: Snowboard Gems Restoration.

With the constant evolution and growth of my quiver, I have purchased many new snowboards but I also like to discover some used snowboards gems that I will be restoring and ride.

My first post will be about a Type A Danny Way 153 cm (1998, I believe) that I salvaged from the Value Village right near my day job office.

That beauty cost me less than 20$ CAD and its base was near perfect. Sure, there was lots of rust on its edges and I had to use extra elbow grease. 

However, I managed to get it pretty clean and I had a friend who is an avid D. Way collector and couldn't pass it. So, I didn't get to fill that board's destiny and put it on snow.

What's the series about?
In my next post, I will explain to you how I treated the board to bring it back to its near original glory. 

Guide: How to buy a used snowboard
I'll also write a short guide on how to buy a used snowboard and what you have to look for.

The Essentials
As always, there are some tools that you will need to treat those boards correctly and I will provide a complete list of my essentials and where you can find them.

One of the aspects of this new project is to respect your snowboard gears but also get you the best working gear to get the most out of your moments on the hills. 

Finally, I don't know everything and I always love to read your comments, questions or general wonderings about snowboarding. 


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